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We arrived at the airport around 4pm and when we got off a man was waiting there with a cart and he took us right to bag check. I was thankful for him because while we would have found our way eventually, we were too tired to do anything. haha We checked our luggage and got food for late lunch/early dinner.
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Friday morning we took our time getting up and dressed, then we went down to the Landscape of Flavors restaurant and enjoyed a sit-down breakfast. It had been so long since we sat for breakfast; that was nice!
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Waking up on Thursday was the HARDEST. Hollywood studios was the other day besides Magic Kingdom that we decided to purchase Genie+. In the end, it was worth it even though we didn’t do a ton at this park.
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On our way out of Disney Springs, we finally came across the people with the big Mickey balloons! Dottie had been asking for one since before our trip because she saw it on a piece of mail they sent! We walked up and she picked her color, and the lady said, “$15”… I gulped, grabbed my debit card, and paid as I sent up a prayer apologizing for being foolish with my spending.
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When Adrianne reached out to me, I was so excited!! She and Jaden have been dating for years. They are the cutest couple and so in love! We got to travel around to places like the Parthenon, Belle Meade, Belmont University, Vanderbilt, and downtown Nashville. There are such beautiful places around Nashville for destination photos!
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We woke up on Tuesday morning and it was already raining. The forecast predicted rain until the evening. Bummer. Jordan thought it would be wise to go ahead and put our ponchos on, but I didn’t think it was raining too hard when we were heading to the bus, so I thought we’d be okay if we just hurried. I was WRONG. So wrong..
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Monday morning we were so drowsy. By we, I mean me and Jordan. I had gotten about roughly 13 hours of sleep in the past 3 days. I was shot, but I was excited! Dottie got right up! Lucas was a little groggy, but energetic as soon as we left the room. The night before when I ordered dinner, I had also ordered breakfast for the morning. Of course no one wanted what I got for them. MY breakfast was good! haha.
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On this flight, I sat in the middle with Lucas, Jordan sat in the aisle seat, and Dottie sat in the window seat. It was now light outside and the kids were so excited. They both got a little restless on this flight and Lucas did a stent of crying for 5 minutes straight. yup.. we were those people. whoops. I finally got him to calm down after taking all of his clothes off and getting some chocolate out of our carry ons. He proceeded to be wild until about 10 minutes before we landed.
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Saturday night we finished packing all we could pack around 11pm and we went to bed with an alarm set for 2:30am. 2:30 came in a blink and I hit the snooze button. Finally, we got up at 3am, got dressed and ready, and woke up the kids. Lucas was fussy because he was tired and just didn’t understand why we were waking him up. He always wakes himself up in the mornings so that was different for him. Dottie was a different story. She was up as soon as we reminded her where we were headed! We got them ready and we packed up final toiletries and sleep comforts for the kids.
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